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*Starfish Express*


This creative play world makes pirate hearts beat faster and is an asset to any living room or child's room. Imaginative adventures, exciting pirate raids, the discovery of deserted islands and many other exciting stories await children with the Papperlapapp *Starfish Express* ship.

There are no limits to your imagination when painting, decorating and designing. *Starfish Express* is incomparably stable, so that children will have great fun with the ship, in it, on it and all around it for a very long time.

BONUS: The ship comes with 3 different flags that are very easy to attach to the mast - for even more individuality!

Äußerst robust durch innovatives Design

100% nachhaltig in Österreich hergestellt

Vollständig aus Karton. Kein Plastik, kein Metall.

25x recycelbar und biologisch abbaubar

Internationale Lieferung

*Starfish Express*

€149,90 EUR
Produkt Details


1 anchor
3 flags




100cm x 100cm x 20cm

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